Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eko gym and Spa

There is nothing like coughing up the money for a years membership to re-dedicate you to the cause of working out.
Have been religiously doing my hour and a half for a week now and must say I am enjoying it. I must admit though I was willing to sneak in under the radar for as long as possible before paying up again but got caught, it went a little something like this.

I bounced in last Monday and the security guard hissed at me to come and sign know that HEYHISSSSSSSS piercing thing you hear as soon as you touch down in Murtala Mohammed airport. I have always been of the opinion that it should only be used on dogs and other household pets and have always refused to answer to it. In fact, I remember an incident in Brent cross shopping center when my mum (who used to wind me up by doing it in front of Oyinbos) was waiting at the check out at M&S, I was carrying her handbag clear across the shop and she tried to gain my attention by doing this. I pretended not to hear her so she had to get out of the queue and come and get me. She was furious and said "didn't you hear me calling you" to which I replied "No sorry, were you calling my name?" that was how I conditioned her out of it and I get a shiver down my spine of annoyance everytime someone attempts to gain my attention in such a degrading manner.
So back to the hissing security guy. I swanned by like he didn't exist so he gave chase, I was irate and refused to sign in and carried on upstairs. He went to report me to management which was his second mistake of the morning. The manager at the gym is not my biggest fan as I am forever telling him off for being a little twit and having crap staff. When he came to see who the culprit was I do recall he stumbled a little when he realised it was none other than I the number one complainer he had come to see.

I went into a long one about how these people need to develop some manners and just coz I don't look like some old madam does not mean you should try and disrespect me in my free time!!!

After profusly apologising he swanned off and I can only imagine what went through his mind coz five mins later he is standing next to me as I ploughed away at the cross trainer looking very proud of himself. "Madam" he says " your membership has expired" CRAP!!!! How totally annoying. I refuse to act cowered, "Fine I will sort it out tomorrow". He still loiters not sure what for..."what part of tomorrow did you not understand?" Horrid guy. I know he though for a second or two about forcibly ijecting me from the premises but I totally ignored him, driving my point home by pelting out the words linkin parks "Numb".

1 comment:

adagurl said...

hi there....

i'm actually a recently certified instructor for a certain aerobics class and am looking for locations in Logos where I can teach the class this Christmas season. You wouldn't happen to know the manager or owner (whoever i'd need to to talk to to secure a time slot) at Eko gym and spa, would you? and how I can get in touch with said person?

Let me know, please
