Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Grrrr the Oscars

It happens every year I watch the oscars, you've got to hand it to them the celebrities bring their A game when it comes to entertaining themselves, and get annoyed at all the movies winning prizes so I don't know if the best man/woman won ra ra ra. Back in the days when I was young and foolish I would usually hold a grudge against the movie and not watch it for years as it ruined my viewing pleasure but ever since the Piano (watched it years later and loved it so much it was like an obsession) I took the view that I was only punishing myself by not watching any film that got nominated and especially the ones that one. Cut to 2010.

I was so shocked at James Cameron missing out on the best director movie for Avatar which I LOVED to some random movie called Hurt locker that I had to get it and watch ASAP. Must say I was not amused. I get it it was low budget and therefore brilliant and deep etc etc but Kathryn Bigelow did not spend the best part of a decade making her movie, nor did she change how movies are going to be made from this point on nor did she have that beautiful boy (Sam Worthington I think his name is) saying "I've got this" in a sexy voice all over the place. Sorry I guess its about time a woman won but only if we deserved it!!!

Also my humble opinion but that film precious how horribly depressing. When you have a pikni at home you probably shouldn't watch stuff like that it just makes you want to lock them up at home!!! Horrid horrid horrid.

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