Sunday, March 21, 2010

Traffic = Armed robbery

Friday was the worst traffic we have had in the lasgiddy tri state area for ages. I feel like I have been spoilt recently with school runs taking only 30 mins door to door but Friday, good lord, I have not seen anything like it.

I already mentioned my car air conditioning was not working (got it fixed on Saturday thanks for your concern)so not only was I stuck in that traffic, making a 2 mile journey in just over an hour, but I was sweating like I stole something.

What I want to know is what caused it? I heard there was a fire in Onikan but am not sure how that causes the whole island and Ikoyi to be stagnant.

I just know the rainy season is going to be unbearable. I got forwarded a warning apparently from the Lagos state authorities about how to prepare for the rainy season but what I want to know is how are they preparing our city for the rainy season?
The drainage system on the roadways would be a good place to start to reduce the flooding and stop all the breakdowns and traffic. It seem so simple to me. I would rather not have all the Christmas decorations and that huge budget could free up strategic problem spots in the metropolis. We really don't have the luxury as a country to be spending money on frivolities when there are so many necessities that need sorting.

But I digress. I then hear that with most of Lagos like sitting ducks in the worst traffic of 2010 armed robbers were out in force. Still unconfirmed but I must admit if I was a criminal mastermind (yes if I was a criminal I would be a mastermind AND I would be smoking hot at it too) and I heard about the traffic (police not out and no one would do anything as we don't seem to breed have a go heroes in Nigeria) I would have my team (yes I would organize in teams!!!) out there robbing and pillaging surely there should be some sort of police plan to protect the citizens in such situations??? I despair.

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