Monday, March 15, 2010

Mothers day at Taras house of horrors

I feel bad writing this now coz I did eventually get fed and watered and ended up enjoying the show but I shall just transcribe what I was writing yesterday so you know how mal treated I was.

Date: Mothers day
Venue: House of Tara
Start time on invitation 2pm
In actuality people are probably still waiting for it to commence.
I get it this is lasgiddy, we just get everywhere late but as I write this is 4pm and the show still hasn't bloody started.

Anyone who knows me very well knows I don't do well when I am hungry and other than a bowl of cereal this morning I have had nothing to eat. I guess you could say at this point that I have lost my sense of humor.
They have just passed around some water which just may stop me from fainting the juries out. What am I still doing here I hear you ask and I would say its a little bit of work. I am not amused. I have a horrible feeling that everyone but me knew this thing was not going to start till 4. Tara herself is swanning around without the guilty frazzled look of someone who's show is now running 2 hours late. As my hypoglycemia gets to the point when my hands have started to shake I cannot help but be resentful of the whole vicious circle that has caused us to get to this point.

Everyone knows if you want your party to starts at 6 you tell people from 4. If you want someone to get to your house on time you tell them a good half an hour before. Usually I would say that yes with our horrid infrastructure and therefore unimaginable traffic sometimes its out of your hands but today is a Sunday people was it truly necessary. Tell people half and hour before and get on with the show if people miss it that's their problem and hopefully they will not make that mistake again.

The small chops get to me just as my headache kicked in so that's all she wrote.

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