Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sandra and Jesse

I wasn't going to do this coz really its none of my business but I have been sleeping all day (non drowsy anti nausea tablet my black ass). Its past 2 in the morning and I am wide awake.

Really Jesse it's not on. My objections are as follows..... I thought he wasn't good enough for my Sandra in the first place but over time he made us re-evaluate so many things. I had to consider that 'never judge a book by its cover' was not some annoying old wives tale. I take pride in my shallowness and if its not shiny and new on the outside I am tres unlikely to delve any deeper. Despite all his tattoos (not saying I don't find them attractive but I am a fan of moderation), his dodgy skin and general gruff exterior he was making our Sandy happy. My girl was glowing and smiling all over the place. Most importantly I thought she was not announcing it to all the world, this quiet happiness has always led me to believe that its just so fabulous at home that the couple don't want to jinks it by making it a public thing, thereby always succeeding in making me extra jealous.

Jesse James single handedly made a whole load of hotties the world over consider the not so hot guy and consider things like personality and loyalty humpf.

Did you see the girl he had an affair with? Now that I know that 'don't judge a book by its cover' is in FACT an old wives tale I am feeling free to say OMIGOSH what is this world coming too. Sandra (le goddess) can be pushed over for something that looks like that??? Is there any point girls really? My new years resolution was to stop with the lazy fine girls syndrome and actually make effort with the hair, makeup and going to the gym but really IS THERE ANY POINT!!!!

Poor Sandra is probably looking in the mirror right now thinking how did this happen. She was slumming for crying out loud. He was lucky to have her!!! She was never supposed to be in this situation. At least when Brad did this he traded up (YES HE DID I am team Jolie) so Jen can shrug her shoulders and say "not my fault".

My advice to all you hotties out there.....never slum it!!! These men will break your heart anyway so you may as well be getting 100% satisfaction and get the aesthetics while your at it.

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