Monday, April 19, 2010

WAZOBIA mango story

I remember when I first came to Nigeria I actually couldn't understand the DJ's on wazobia (Come come come in the 3 main local dialects Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo in that order, clever I always thought). They speak proper pigeon English and at first I was finding it hard. Now 4 years later I love this station. First it's actually tres informative with loads of adverts on malaria treatment and how to protect your children. I also love the news stories about local tins going on in Nigeria. Case in point (embarrassing really as the guy is from my village area)guy has Mango tree in his garden and tis the season, these days many are found with sticks, stones and climbing to get at the good stuff. My guy decided however that sticks, stones and climbing were way to pedestrian for him so he got out his gun and started shooting the mango's!!!! WTF. Clearly he hadn't thought it through (you think?) coz you mango's not really big enough to weed out the shrapnel and get enough of the good stuff. This story only made the news however coz the gun backfired and killed him!!!!

My people, my people!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Blog! Keep up the good work. Hilarious to follow