Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Those horrid horrid people at the british embassy

The title says it all. I used to be a pharmacist and so had to gain some very effective customer service skills. I can't begin to tell you how irate some patients get when they get to the dispensary and their medication is not ready. I think you can imagine that they have had a nasty day and all they want to do is get home and you are telling them there is a 30 min to 1 hour wait time. At this point you are most certainly in danger of physical bodily harm so letting the patient understand that you are doing ALL you can to get them home ASAP is vital.

The people at the British embassy have got it all wrong as far as I am concerned. They are performing a service for you (which you pay for) and therefore you are a customer. Why is it, please tell me that they manage to make you feel like something nasty they have to scrape off their shoe? It is most upsetting. I have never met a more annoying set of uptight, unhelpful, brain dead (I'm not allowed to swear so I'm a little lost for words here).

It's supposed to take 10 working day. I gave my passport in for a simple change of name last month it's still not ready and nobody is trying to make sure its ready for my flight in a few days time. Quelle horrer!!!! Where do they find these inbred people from????? I reckon Nigeria must be a punishment type assignment for embassy personnel as nobody seems happy to be there!!! horrid horrid people.

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