Friday, January 13, 2012

Occupy Nigeria 5

So I still did not have the liver to join the marching. Today we went foraging for an atm (you could have knocked me down with a feather when we hit the jackpot on our first go) and human contact.

Poolside at the Rad blu for something interesting to eat and a reason not to throw myself out of my ninth storey window.

So the rumours are flying fast and thick. Will they or wont they call off the strike by next week.

Thankfully I have discovered that Saturday and Sunday are going to be a protest free zone so I shall be making tracks to the shops. The boy ran out of shower gel a few days ago and has been bathing with a body scrub and Jo Malone bath oil concoction he created. Most importantly (God forgive me) I have just discovered that my salon is going to be open tomorrow so my butt is going to be in there having a mani pedi and hair treatment coz frankly I look hid at the moment.
Nothing has been resolved so nobody has further information on the situation.

What I know is that no resolution is going to mean even more strife for a people, who let’s face it, have learnt to smile under much adversity.

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