Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

I have no idea why I am writing this seeing as nobody really reads my blog but its New Year and for some reason I put this on my list.

I promised myself a few things, lemme list them for ya
1. Quit smoking
2. Get down to 9 1/2 stone (this involves going back to the gym and eating healthier)
3. Revive writing my blog
4. Register my company and behave like an adult and get back to work.

Some other boring tins I will not bore you with

I guess guilt got me whipping out my computer. The boy just came back with a calorie laden Indian takeout which I am struggling to digest as I write, I just came back from the balcony after a quick ciggie, so I figured, 3 days into my resolutions, I had better write something or I would have to consider myself a complete FAILURE.

Don't really have anything to say. I have been on my couch for the last 48 hours overwhelmed by the fact that somehow a whole year went by.

I have every intention of having many things to rant and rave about on this blog because at the very least I am going to be way more engaged in EVERYTHING.

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