Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Get him to the Greek

There is nothing better than discovering some random movie that entertains the hell out you. As a good citizen I have to let you guys know about it.

The spin off of Forgetting Sarah Marchall (not sure of spelling) called get him to the greek. Russel brand is Aldous snow the rock star do we remember him and it has that guy Jonah hill in it.

Despite the fact that I am not a fan of all things skinny, I love Russell. Always have. Any movie I see him in he cracks me up. I am not sure if the chap is acting or if its his normal personality (which I suspect) but he is his hilarious and he carries this film well.

With cameo's from Puffy (NO HE CAN'T ACT) and all sorts of other fab peps it was a great way to spend my evening.

I don't know if its coz I had been drinking since noon but it's just too funny and I recommend it.

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