Sunday, September 5, 2010

v.monologues vs tarzan monologues

Have just spent a pleasant afternoon at terra culture being thoroughly entertained.

It was hilarious and somewhat educational all at the same time.

My fave sketch is still "Sister Ester" who leaped out of her marriage bed to denounce the devils' hold over her body after experiencing her first orgasm!!!! Sister Ester finally decided that her vagina realising its full potential was its way of praising God. She was soon accompanying all her orgasms with a resounding and somewhat breathless "Hallelujah!!!"

There was some sad bits however dealing with domestic violence and war and rape and horrid things like that that brought a tear to the eye (which I refused to let drop as I had painstakingly used my stila smokey eye kit to make my eyes look just so).

There were defo some moments when I did not dare look at my boy. A few mentions about defending your woman against all enemies foreign and domestic....think we had that convo 24 hours before. Then some comments about nagging women that i thought he was laughing too hard about. That's another story though.

I do agree with the producer though, our artists do need a permanent home. A purpose built theatre for the enjoyment of the artists and the audience!!!!

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